This Summer has been a dream for people who love the Summer heat. Sunny and hot weather. The Summer has been also in favor of people who make money with ice cream and soft drinks. Despite all that fun, the reality of people who need to have some training is not so easy going. It is needed to be monitored when would be more suitable temperature for exercise. For me it was suitable to train in the evenings when the sun is a bit lower and the air feels cooler, even if just a little bit. 😊
In addition to training in the evenings I also took part in Prorunner Summer camp and two competitions.
Prorunner Summer camp took part in Kääriku and it lasted three days. This was another new experience for me. so far, I have taken part only in holiday camps. In those camps the main purpose is just to relax combined with some sporty activity.
On the first day of the camp, we had to pass 8 km in calm tempo. The next day we had to run 6 km in the morning and in the afternoon, we had to accomplish 8 km on Kekose ski run. The track had raises which had to be passed a bit faster and it had falls which had to be passed slower. This training was quite hard. – Luckily, I did not go together with the best runners of the Prorunner club, rather I picked my own tempo what was suitable for me. On the last day with the hottest weather again we had to take part in two trainings. – In the morning 5 km and at noon 20 km. You could say that I am a loser but this time I gave up because of the heat and I only ran 16 km.

A week after the Prorunner camp, I took part in III Mikk run. This run was mostly between me and my relatives because besides us there were only few of other people. There were 22 participants on the start line. Compared to last year I beat my own time by 6 sec. “The Achilles’ heel” for me is landscape because I don’t have the courage yet to test my abilities so I rather “lower the speed”.
On August 18th I took part already in fourth Estonian run what is really a cool run. Tough I have to say that I have some complaining to do. – This is the second year when the people who walk 10 km put themselves first on the start line therefore they hinder the runners. This time I had the plan to struggle at the “start corridor “in order to get a nice edge but the plan failed because I could really start to run only after the first kilometer. After “all this mess” I could finally choose my own tempo. Seeing my time result at the finish line I was a little disappointed because from my condition and feeling point of view I could have made bigger effort. I guess I got stuck in my comfort zone. Back few years ago I could not say that result 04:30 km/min is comfort zone, more like maximum. Now I must think about the competition plan and find 10 km distant run where to make “decent” time result. Still I got gladder for this competition than sad because the shape was good, and Tallinn Marathon is upcoming next. – There I would really like to give my best 😊!!