Endre | Spordipäevik
mens sana in corpore sano

järgmine võistlus on Suurjooks ümber Viljandi järve 12 km, mis toimub 01.05

Opened season 2018

The season 2018 I opened 17th of February. About indoor competitions I have taken in mind to participate in only one area-1500m distance on the run.

So far, I have participated in the three competitions organized by the Estonian Paralympic Committee distance of 1.5 km, which has been a good challenge for me, because I’ve always had to fight with some kind of a pain. In addition, this distance is “spinning short” but too long to keep consistent evenly fast pace.

Before taking part in this year’s competition I had special emotion. I was nervous in good sense and my expectations were high. I got so much positive energy from the Saaremaa three days run and I was eager, so I promised myself I’d do a good ÜKE (meaning the preparation for the whole body). As usual, all of my making is not always one hundred percent. A week before the competition heavy hearted but I had to cancel three trainings and the day before in practice I was feeling muzzy.

I already have traditional competition mornings. I’ve added taping of my fit leg which means the stronger leg. – This procedure will let me strive harder without pain. At the start line we were together six athletes which is common thing. I being among the last was also common but not this time. From the beginning I was leading the race; it is really unusual situation for me. I was “keeping up the good work” for the first four rounds until someone ran past. I tried to catch up and I had ideas of winning in my head but unfortunately the new lead of the race was speeding up at the beginning of the last round. Knowing myself, I wouldn’t have lasted 200m running “full speed” so I secured my second place. Reflecting on the run I can be very satisfied with the run. – Tough at some point I went to my own comfort and it is really hard to get out of that comfort as the end part showed. The run had a result 00:05:46.

Delivery and translator Heleni Juht


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3,2 km (2 mil) - 0:12:39 ( PB 2019)
7 km - 0:34:27 ( PB 2016)
10 km - 0:42:02 ( PB 2019)
21.1 km - 01:34.44( PB 2019)

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